Teach your children a new memory verse each month in this printable workbook complete with age-appropriate activities.

Why Everyone Can Learn a Memory Verse

As former elementary school teacher, I’ve learned a few things about helping kids memorize information. In fact, I was the go-to classroom for second graders with dyslexia because my style of visualizing information resonated with their different learning needs.

Even though I didn’t struggle with a learning disability, visualizing information was the way I learned. As I grew in my knowledge of the way other people process information, I began to tap into all the various ways you could present something.

If you’re a Christian parent, you want to teach your child about the Bible, so they can also grow in character and confidence. The simplest way to do that is with a monthly memory verse.

How Does this Memory Verse Style Work?

My brain likes things organized in a way that makes sense, so when I created these printables, I wanted a way for my kids to learn one memory verse each month that related to something happening in their own lives. For example:

  • January = Celebrate new beginnings (New Year)
  • February = Celebrate God’s love (Valentine’s Day)
  • May = Celebrate how He takes care of you (Mother’s Day)
  • August = Celebrate his guidance (School Year)
  • November = Celebrate His graciousness (Thanksgiving)
  • December = Celebrate His birth (Christmas)

When I am anxious, I like a memory verse that helps me combat my anxiety, like “Be still and know that I am God.” So if our kids celebrate these holiday themes in school and at home, it will resonate with them more emotionally.

For different kinds of learners, you need different kinds of memorization techniques. I’ve included a list of ideas in the Memory Verse Workbook that you and your child can try out such as:

  • Visual
    • Make flashcards with the pictures and see if you can recall the words
    • Follow along with your finger as you read
    • Write the first letter of each word on a paper and try to recite the verse
  • Auditory
    • Read the verse out loud several times
    • Make a recording of your voice
    • Make up a song
  • Kinesthetic
    • Color in the words as you say them
    • Act out the pictures
    • Make up sign language to go along with the words as you say them

How to Use the Memory Verse Workbook

Simply purchase one copy and print a memory verse book for each child in your family so that you can work on memorizing them together! Make sure to post them around the house, then rewrite them on cards, practice in the car, and other ways suggested in the workbook.

You can even have a little prize for each verse memorized or an end of the year celebration for when you get through them all! Teaching your children to memorize scripture is a skill that will benefit them for a lifetime. While you work through these memory verses, remember that the goal isn’t to have every book, chapter, and verse perfect.

While it’s wonderful to add that challenge to scripture memory, it’s more important that they recall the words of encouragement that God is speaking to them through his Word.

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