Want to focus on Christian values this Easter with your kids? Use these simple Bible-based Easter activities you can print today!

easter activities to print

Easter Activities for Kids You Can Print

Don’t skip from Jesus’ birth story at Christmas straight to his death and resurrection! Study his entire life on earth together as a family this Easter season.

Using a mix of resources I’ve created with my children over the years, I compiled a 10-page pack of printable activities to teach kids about the life of Jesus.

This pack combines Easter traditions and Biblical values so that your children can celebrate the true meaning of Easter! Here’s what’s included:

easter activities to print

Countdown to Easter Coloring Activity

Engage kids in a daily countdown to Easter with a coloring activity that incorporates daily scripture readings. It’s a creative way to share the story and meaning behind the Biblical events of Christ’s life!

easter activities to print

Ways to Connect with God Checklist

When you teach your kids early there are endless ways to see God in everyday things, they’ll be prone to finding ways on their own as they grow! Using a variety of learning styles and senses, work through the list to see which ones your child resonates with!

Easter Fun Idea List

Our family also celebrates Easter with chocolate bunnies and egg hunts, but we make it clear to the kids that this is part of how we celebrate, but not the focus of the season. So use these ideas to incorporate more ways to have fun as a family this month!

“He is Risen” Coloring Page

When you reinforce the essence of Easter with a dedicated coloring page that beautifully illustrates the message, “He is Risen”, it’s a visual reminder for children to cherish the true meaning of the holiday.

easter activities to print

Easter Hymns

We often think of Christmas carols, but not many songs to sing at Eastertime. Here are a few of my favorites that talk about the life of Jesus as well as his role as the Son of God.

Easter Story Cheatsheet

Help your child understand the timeline of Holy Week leading up to Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection. Using notes from my gospel timelines, you can then schedule activities to match up historical days and times of the events that occurred.

easter activities to print

Foldable Easter Story Booklet

Have fun creating this foldable booklet while learning the story of Easter from the book of Matthew. Instructions included.

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