Free 30 Day Gratitude List Printable

Gratitude is a practice. I challenge you, especially in this season of Thanksgiving, to write down a list of 30 things you’re thankful for on this free 30-day gratitude challenge printable!

Write Down Something You’re Thankful for Each Day This Month

Gratitude is a practice. It doesn’t come naturally to most–it takes discipline. I challenge you, especially in this season of Thanksgiving, to practice gratitude for 30 days with me.

I want to make intentional living tangible and practical in your life and mine. So I’m kicking off the month with a 30-Day Challenge that you can print out and use all month long. I am so excited to get started on this and know that if you join me, you will benefit from it as well!

If you get behind, it’s okay to play catch-up! But try to keep it in a place where you’ll remember to use it each day:

Tomorrow is not the day to practice gratitude, it’s right now. Today. This is your chance to look at life in a more positive light. To see hope where you feel hopeless. To feel encouraged where you feel overwhelmed. Start small: a sunset, a good meal, a quiet moment, a text from a friend.

I went through this myself years ago when I was anxious and angry, but over and over in my self-help books was the practice of gratitude. Through these, I learned about the power of changing your mindset from negative to positive. I couldn’t think of anything good to write, but I dedicated myself to starting a gratitude journal, and slowly but surely my list began to grow.

Now, a few years later, I’m going through treatment again and I’ve learned gratitude motivates me to push through the hard spots. I am focused and ready to be grateful for the little successes. I hope you are too!

Join the Free 30-Day Gratitude Challenge

If you’re in the trenches, then write that you brushed your teeth today–I know it sounds silly, but acknowledging even small successes has a massive impact on your health and well-being.

No matter how small, just write it down!

Grab this FREE Gratitude Challenge Printable when you subscribe to my newsletter and access my ENTIRE printable library full of even more freebies!

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